Log #97 1/2
through january, I finally completed the phenomenology of spirit, and after having put it off for 5 years, I sat down and began to properly read through marx's capital

Log #96 30/1
in the winter I miss the sound of rain. I have stopped listening to music

Log #95 25/1

Log #94 18/1
watching movies on the mosfilm youtube channel at random and was surprised relatives by Nikita Mikhalkov wasn't well known already. an unfinished piece for mechanical piano is another good Mikhalkov movie about yelling and arguing. reading through the climactic "spirit" section of phenomenology of spirit

Log #93 12/1

Log #92 8/1
"the living room, to be sure (or even the relaxed informality of the video museum), seems an unlikely place for this assimilation of human subjects to the technological: yet a voluntary attention is demanded by the total flow of the videotext in time which is scarcely relaxed at all, and rather different from the comfortable scanning of the movie screen, let alone of the cigar-smoking detatchment of the Brechtian theatergoer." Postmodernism, Fredric Jameson

Log #91 6/1
swore off checking the time when I wait for the train. I want to forget how to read a clock

Log #90 5/1

Log #89 4/1
mostly watching time pass...

Log #88 2/1

Larisa, Elem Klimov

Log #87 1/1
happy new year, do not expect a lot from me soon