#19 2025-2-27

I made a $can fanpage. my professor said he once stalled a publication for 10 years and so I've been inspired to waste as much time as possible not writing my book about melonne

#18 2025-2-26

the temperature made it to 8 c; opened my window and listened to the melting snow run off the roof

#17 2025-2-25

I have such a crush on $can he is soo cute in this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWTKFc0x9nA (skip dinnomo's verse)

#16 2025-2-24

back to class after reading week. it was nice not thinking about my eyebrows slowly connecting or my need for a haircut or the -10 c temperature. quebecois rap: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdseHq7CUJ8

#15 2025-2-23

#14 2025-2-22

eyelash mite, sea monkey

#13 2025-2-21

from Cape Hideous

#12 2025-2-20

#11 2025-2-19

I was sad because I thought I was growing out of video games and then I bought monster hunter: rise on sale and I've just been drooling over my switch since

#10 2025-2-1

through january, I finally completed phenomenology of spirit, and after putting it off for 5 years, I sat down and began to properly read through marx's capital

#9 2025-1-30

in the winter I miss the sound of the rain. I have stopped listening to music

#8 2025-1-25


#7 2025-1-18

watching movies on the mosfilm youtube channel at random and was surprised relatives by Nikita Mikhalkov wasn't well known already. an unfinished piece for mechanical piano is another good Mikhalkov movie about yelling and arguing. reading through the climactic "spirit" section of phenomenology of spirit

#6 2025-1-12

#5 2025-1-6

swore off checking the time when I wait for the train. I want to forget how to read a clock

#4 2025-1-5


#3 2025-1-4

mostly watching time pass...

#2 2025-1-2

Larisa, Elem Klimov

#1 2025-1-1

happy new year, do not expect a lot from me soon